What Wood Flooring Warranties Cover … And What They Don’t
You’ve decided you want to install wood flooring throughout your home. The search has begun for the right flooring that will ensure longevity and style for many years to come.
But just when you thought selecting the right color was confusing, you found out different manufacturers come with different warranties, and the numbers can be overwhelming.
Is a 90 day warranty good enough? Then what about that 100 year warranty … really? Can someone truly offer a hundred years of protection? And what does that truly mean?
Yes, sometimes things do seem too good to be true.
A product’s warranty exists as much for the protection of the manufacturer as for the homeowner buying the product. In the case of wood flooring, the warranty protects you, the homeowner, from buying a flawed product. If the finish, for example, was improperly mixed at the factory before it was applied to the wood, the impact will be noticeable almost immediately as it is installed in your home and put to use on a daily basis. However, the warranty won’t protect you from normal wear and tear that you, your family, visitors and pets inflict to it once it is laid.
So does that make a 90 day warranty as good as that 100 year warranty? When it comes to hardwood flooring warranties, keep it simple and you’ll be covered every time.
Start by choosing a quality, reputable manufacturer with history behind it. Avoid no-name flooring, or a brand name that simply seems too good to be true. In order to have a floor that wears well and looks great for years, you have to start with a great product. Reputable companies understand that and make sure every feature they use in production is quality through and through. You can also ask a salesperson for guidance to understand differences between top brands.
Look for a good manufacturers defects warranty, as this is where most problems occur. Most defects occur in a relatively short period of time, so anything beyond a few years isn’t necessary to flush out potential problems.
Look for a good wear through warranty. If a hardwood floor has a quality finish, it will last for years of wear and tear from daily use. On average, floors will need to be sanded and recoated every ten to twelve years or so, so wear through warranties of more than that time frame will not offer extra protection, as once this process occurs the warranty is null and void.
Realize you are dealing with a natural product that changes and morphs all the time. It can warp and buckle, which would all be covered under warranty.
Yet if it’s not properly installed according to manufacturers guidelines, and its not maintained in a satisfactory way, the warranty may not be covered at all.
When making your final decision, read your warranty carefully and understand the limits and expectation. The more you know up front, the less surprises will occur down the road.